GROWing Connections with YLA - Logan Braun
By Logan Braun, YLA 2023
As I transition from one point to the next, Project GROWS has really helped me stay positive, grow, build connections, and a foundation for myself. I have always lived nearby and have driven past Project GROWS many times, but never realized just how many experiences and opportunities it could hold. I had just graduated from Fort Defiance High School and was getting ready to start college at Virginia Tech when I found Project GROWS employment openings.
I am so glad I applied to be one of this year’s Youth Leaders! I have had previous summer jobs, mentorship opportunities, and volunteer groups, but nothing quite like this. I have always enjoyed being outside, learning about the environment, and taking Environmental Science or Ecology classes in school. I also have a passion for protecting, improving, and taking care of the planet. This job on an organic, non-profit, mixed vegetable, and educational farm was more than perfect for pursuing my passion and doing what I love.
At Project GROWS, I have been able to learn about the farm and farm work, as well as take trips to other local community gardens, tree farms, or [learn about other] practices in the area. I also had the chance to work with kids at camp, meet new people, and be a part of the whole process of growing good food from a seed to selling it with the Mobile Market. On the farm, one of my favorite activities included harvesting and I loved getting to pick bright, ripe tomatoes, collect many bins worth of fresh, dewy kale, and pull around 250 pounds of garlic from the field. I had so much fun building a sense of community I can always ask for help from and practice positive habits outside with.
Over the summer I found myself more comfortable on the farm, and even more eager to learn and grow. I am excited to take this knowledge, experience, and skills with me to college. I plan on pursuing civil / environmental engineering and will continue to stay outside and involved with community, making more connections just as I have done here.