Youth Leader Spotlight: Seth
By Seth Z., 2021 Youth Leader in Ag (Summer Youth Staff), Staunton High School ’22

I began this job at the beginning of June with my fellow staff. I feel I have developed some important skills for farming and in general.
Although it is a paid job, it can sometimes feel like a group of friends working together. I believe the other youth staff would agree. A lot of the farm skills can be used later in life. I think that work ethic, responsibility, and awareness are also things I have taken away.
For the task portion, we weed, plant, harvest, control pests, and wash and weigh produce. Another cool aspect is learning from the various guests such as bird and bee experts. In general, the experience involves more than just farm tasks. I found the lessons on birds to be the most interesting, especially since it was interactive.
Overall, the work environment was great and the position was an excellent experience.