Youth Leader Spotlight: Garrett
By Garrett P., 2021 Youth Leader in Ag (Summer Youth Staff), Staunton High School ’23
Project GROWS is a really nice experience. I would recommend it to anyone who likes to be outside in nature—you can learn about all the different plants and when to harvest and plant them. You can learn what food goes through to get to farmers markets and stores.

The flow of a farm day is really good and I did a lot of activities. I weeded, harvested, planted, etc. A regular task I engaged in was weeding and harvesting.
My favorite part about Project GROWS are the people. My co-workers were really nice. We all got along and helped each other. The supervisors were also very nice and funny—if you work here at Project GROWS, make sure to talk to Robert, the funniest and nicest supervisor.
I’m most proud of not giving up while working here. It is a very hard job but it’s fun! Project GROWS has taught me a lot—not only with plants and harvesting, but also all the bugs that are good or bad. We are also learning about how to be efficient and hard working.